Terms & Conditions

In using the Orgupdate Saas Platform and/or related services, you will not be provided access to any third-party personal information, nor will Orgupdate access, collect or process any of your personal information.

Welcome to our website. If you continue to browse and use this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy govern Orgupdate's relationship with you in relation to this website. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use our website.

Thank you for selecting our products and services (Service). The Service is offered by Orgupdate ("Orgupdate," "we," "us," or "our") reachable at hello@orgupdate.com refers to the owner of the website whose registered office is 86-90 Paul Street, London, London, United Kingdom, EC2A 4NE. Our company registration number is 15281481. The term 'you' refers to the user or viewer of our website.

By utilizing our Service, you consent to adhere to these terms.

Service Description

Orgupdate offers an all-in-one data dashboard, for real-time job vacancies. All our global data is instant and sourced from publicly available information to create stunning visuals.

You acknowledge that the Service may involve communications from Orgupdate, like service notifications and administrative messages, linked to Service provision. Any new features or tools released by us concerning the Service are subject to this Agreement. The Service is an online product requiring internet or network connectivity. You are responsible for obtaining the necessary internet or network connection and associated fees. Additionally, you must procure and maintain all equipment required to connect to the Service. The quality of your Service experience may depend on your connectivity and equipment. Orgupdate is not liable for claims or losses arising from your connectivity and equipment.

Registration and Service Usage

By registering for Orgupdate's Service, you confirm that you are of legal age to form a binding contract. You agree to provide true, accurate, current, and complete information during registration and promptly update it when necessary. Failure to provide accurate information or suspected provision of inaccurate information may result in account suspension or termination. When using the Service, you represent and warrant that you possess all relevant rights and permissions, including intellectual property rights, to the information provided.

By providing information to Orgupdate, you grant us necessary permissions and rights for service provision. You are solely liable for the information provided and agree not to use the service to develop a similar or competitive work.

No Resale or Redistribution of Service you may use the service internally within your company for market research and analysis. Except as expressly authorized by Orgupdate, you agree not to reproduce, duplicate, sell, trade, resell, permit access, transfer, assign, modify, create derivative works, or exploit any portion of the service for commercial purposes. You are responsible for all service usage under your account and must maintain the confidentiality of your online account credentials.

Intellectual Property

Using our Service does not confer ownership of any intellectual property rights. All materials and intellectual property rights related to the Service remain the property of Orgupdate. No rights other than access to the Service are granted.

Account Access

You must provide a valid email address and other requested information to complete the registration process. Account registration must be completed by a human, and accounts registered by automated methods are prohibited. Your login may only be used by a single user, and shared logins are not permitted. We reserve the right to suspend or cancel your access to the Service if suspicious activity is detected. You are responsible for maintaining account security and password confidentiality.

Service and Marketing Messages

By registering an account with Orgupdate, you consent to receive email notifications related to updates, tips, tutorials, and system messages. You may also choose to subscribe to promotional offers and blog updates, with the option to unsubscribe at any time using the provided link.

Unauthorized Uses

You agree not to modify, adapt, hack, reverse engineer, or interfere with the service or associated code. Transmitting worms, viruses, or malicious code is prohibited. You may only access the service through provided interfaces and must not disrupt its integrity, security, or performance.

Blocking of IP Addresses

To safeguard the Service's integrity, Orgupdate reserves the right to block IP addresses from accessing the Service.

Tax and Fees

Prices and charges for the Service are exclusive of taxes and fees, which may be added in accordance with applicable laws. You are responsible for providing necessary tax exemption documentation. We reserve the right to review and validate such documentation.

Refund Policy

Except as required by law, Orgupdate is not obligated to provide refunds for any reason.

Cancellation of Service

Orgupdate may cancel the Service unilaterally under various circumstances outlined in the Agreement. Users can cancel the Service with prior written notice.

Data Collection and Use

You agree that Orgupdate may anonymize and aggregate shared data for Service improvement purposes.

Modifications to Service

We may modify or discontinue the Service, add or remove features, or adjust pricing at any time without liability.


The Service may contain links to external websites. Orgupdate is not responsible for the content or availability of such sites and disclaims liability for any associated damages.


You agree to indemnify and hold Orgupdate and its directors, officers, employees, and agents harmless from any claims or liabilities arising from your breach of these terms or infringement of intellectual property rights.

Regulatory Compliance

You agree to comply with all applicable laws, including sanctions and export control regulations, while using the Service.

Additional Terms for Data Services

  1. API License and Use Restrictions

    a. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, including payment of all mutually agreed-upon fees as stated in the applicable Service Order, and provided Client remains in compliance with the Agreement, for the duration of the Term of the applicable Service Order, Orgupdate grants Client a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, worldwide, enterprise-wide license to load, install, execute, and use the API(s) provided by Orgupdate as a part of the Data Services, and to use all Orgupdate Data accessed or retrieved through the API. Included in the foregoing license is the right for Client to also use that documentation provided by Orgupdate as a part of the Data Services that assists Client in its configuration of Client’s systems to implement the API(s) provided as a part of the Data Services.

    b. Client is solely responsible for all implementation and configuration of the API(s) provided as a part of the Data Services. Other than use of the documentation referenced in sub-section (a) above, Orgupdate reserves the right to charge Client (and Client agrees to pay) additional fees if Client requests Orgupdate to assist with such implementation or configuration.

    c. Client is not permitted to provide access to the Data Service or share any Orgupdate Data with any third party. If Client provides access to the Data Service or shares Orgupdate Data with any third party, Orgupdate reserves the right to immediately terminate Client's license granted above.

  2. Protection of Orgupdate Data

    i. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason, Client agrees to promptly expunge, delete, or destroy all Orgupdate Data from its systems, tools, and dashboards. Client may retain any Orgupdate Data as required to comply with its document retention obligations Orgupdate shall have the right, at its own expense, to conduct audits of Client’s compliance with this Section. Such audits may be conducted by Orgupdate or a third-party auditor appointed by Orgupdate, and shall be conducted during regular business hours upon reasonable notice to Client. Client shall provide all necessary cooperation and access to information, systems, and personnel as may be reasonably required to conduct the audit. If the audit reveals that Client has failed to comply with its data deletion obligations, Client shall promptly take all necessary actions to come into compliance and shall reimburse Orgupdate for costs incurred to conduct the audit.

    ii. To help enhance the security and availability of the Data Services to others, Client agrees to the following: (i) the Data Services may restrict the volume of data that can be accessed through the Data Services, and if Client exceeds such amount, Client agrees that its usage may be throttled or suspended; and (ii) the API may include rate limits that will prevent Client from making excessive calls to the API. Further details and additional restrictions may be included in the relevant Service Description.

About these Terms

These terms may be modified to reflect changes in the law or our Service. Changes will be effective after posting, except for legal or functional updates. If you disagree with the modified terms, you should discontinue service use. These terms govern the relationship between Orgupdate and you, with no third-party beneficiary rights. Our failure to enforce any terms does not waive our rights. If any term is invalid, the remaining terms remain in effect. These terms are governed by English law, with disputes subject to the jurisdiction of English courts.

Organisational update: An all-in-one data
dashboard, for real-time job vacancies.

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